Sunday, October 11, 2009


With the newness of my job, and having clients coughing on me A LOT lately, I was bound to soon get sick. This week I have been "putting it off" though as I had so much stuff I both needed and wanted to get done. We had the career fair for our refugee clients which consisted of me making each one of them a folder with their resumes, and a prompt sheet. On top of that we took a group of them, 20 in total, to the mountains to experience Olympic site sees from the 2002 Olympics in Utah,

 the beauty of the mountain side-- which included for many of them their first viewing of snow (amazing how each culture automatically thinks it is fun to just pick up snow and chuck it at people), and a tour of park city.

Suffice it to say the added work stress, toppled with cold weather of our trip yesterday-- no matter how fun it was-- exacerbated my cold. I ended up waking up with swelling all over my throat. So I ended up going and getting some herbal tea at the store.

This was my first time drinking herbal tea because my religion prohibits tea...although many of my lds friends explained that this was only for green and black tea NOT herbal tea. After looking it up on my church's website to make sure it confirmed that it was indeed ok to drink herbal tea. 

I got few different blends which included apple cinnamon with an infusion of chamomile, orange peel, and hibiscus. The other was a licorice infusion that said it would help with respiratory distress. So far I have liked the apple spice MUCH better. 

Please send me happy thoughts and prayers that I may get better before work starts again Tuesday.
