Monday, December 22, 2008

A little thought...

Well hello,

Yea I know. Long time, no see. Like that is something new first of all, and second of all nobody has probably read this blog. So to all the unknown stalker's out there reading this message. It is geared towards you--I guess...

Anyways. School is out. Scream and shout. I have approx. 20 days of freedom, which will be spent at work. That's ok though, because I like work. Speaking of work ( wow that is baaad writing skills mentioning the same word 3 times in a row), you guys should check out my more "professional blog". It covers my anthropology research, and assignments that I have written for my job here at the Museum. The Link is .

This blog, however, is more of a relaxed view on the interesting quirks of human civilization. Speaking of which, today's topic will have to do with Kwanzaa. Yes, the African American Holiday. I want to dedicate it to it's own post. So it will be presented I should probably say typed..."presented" might be the code word for intellectual gibberish. ^_^