Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Start

There is a custom in Bosnia that when you get sick, or when strife comes upon you, it may be because someone knows your name and is casting the evil eye your way. To combat this family and friends change the name of the person infected. In most cases the person gets better, as the emotion associated with their previous name has been left by the wayside, and they are now able to start fresh.

That is what I hope to accomplish, not in regards to changing my name, but starting a new blog. Reltionships come and go, and one of mine went. Life experinces come and go, and leave you a differnt person. Soon you find that the persona that you repersented you cannot are choose not to repersent anymore. That is how I feel at this moment in time. I am new person both from experince and force. Therefore I need to repsent myself in a new way. This blog is the way. In this blog I will disscuss my passion of anthropolgy, my drive for the future after graduation, and other interesting tadbits. It's all up in the air, because nothing has had time to quite set yet. I do promise you one thing though. This blog will not leave you empty. It's full of Suga Mint

-Brittani McLeod