Saturday, February 13, 2010

Manifesting weird, crazy, insane parts of your soul

In the deep crevices of every human I really think that we are all multiple personalities, but only one manifests itself. I mean come on...we are made of genes, but only the domiant of those manifest itself. For example, my brother is brown with black hair, so is his wife, but they have a red haired ball of joy! If dominant genes  physichally manifieste why can't they also be manifiested in our personalities. This has been a struggle for me, because I feel like there are so many things that I am that I wish could be seen by other people. Yet, either by the city that I live in, the people I surround myself with, and just my dominate nature it seems hidden to the world. I still want to show the world these parts of me, and find those rare few that also like what I like....but it is hard! So here goes...some things that I am/miss about life before/or want to do that people would proably never know.

I love techno. I want to go and dance in a techno club. Strobe lights, big pants, multi color hair

Have a desire to hang out with crazy funny friends in random places like a railroad station or  under a highway bridge

Make Crazy youtube videos with people that are not afraid of being stupid

Dance some random hip hop craziness in the middle of the city

Find friends that will go travel cross country with me... toilet papering random peoples houses along the way

Singing and being part of a pop/techno/garage band

I love my friends, but having one friend in which I could do stupid, random, and insane things with

wow....I think what my psyche wants is to be juvenile again....that reminded me of one time where me and my friends dragged a bed through the streets as cars were approaching, because we thought it was funny...and i pee'd my pants...anyways! ya! so now I need to figure out a way to do all of this this year...if you think you could help then comment and tell me what I should do!

peace, love, brittani


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